Sou's Voice

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How can we implement mindfulness in music?

In this post, I wanted to share how musicians can make use of mindfulness effectively to hone their skills and create better music. Here, musicians can include both listeners and creators. 
As serious listeners of music, we listen to a wide variety of music. But, how often do we stop and analyze a particular piece of music? Instead of listening to 10 songs, we could listen to just 2 of them and then examine those two pieces. Understand the whats, hows and whys of them and then move on to the next one. Odds are we would have benefitted more by these two songs than by simply listening to all the 10. This is called mindful listening. 
As creators of music, instead of making 5 songs, we can concentrate on one and know why we are doing it. Analyze the difficulties we encounter during the making process, document them and solve those problems. Mindfulness can help musicians excel and master in their dedicated areas of expertise. 

Sou's Voice created the theme-based music category to introduce more mindfulness in its approach to music-making. Do subscribe to Sou's Voice's YouTube channel and check out some carefully curated theme-based music. 

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